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  • info@consult-solutions.dk

363) 07-05-21 AWS-TEST Consultant /Freelance

363) 07-05-21 AWS-TEST Consultant /Freelance

Til vores kundes projekt søger vi  to test-konsulenter hurtigst muligt!

Basic Qualification:

  • Partner closely with Developers & Leads to have a close hand during planning of new feature releases so we get ahead of any bugs as rollout progresses
  • Familiar with C#.NET, SQL, PowerShell, and CI/CD
  • Understanding of AWS services like EC2, Cloud formation, Storages(EBS,FSx,S3), AppStream, …
  • Check and ensure the overall quality of the software delivered by the team

Prefered qualification:

  • AWS certification
  • Experience in testing in a software environment with an emphasis on thoughtful and creative testing rather than monitoring fully automated test systems
  • Experience of continuous integration and build automation tools and test management tools
  • Strong analytical & troubleshooting skills
  • Passion about the quality of your work, with a sense of pride & ownership over what we’re delivering to our customers

• Experience working in an Agile environment

Sted: St. Kbh.
Start: ASAP.
Slut efter: 6 Mdr.

Hvis du har de nødvendige kvalifikationer, så send os dit Cv. samme dine kontaktoplysninger
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og har du ikke hørt fra os inden for en uge kan du betragte muligheden som afsluttet.

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